Everyone knows that Wallpaper is a beautiful way to create depth with design on your walls, but did you realize this classic designer paper is also amazing in other home décor applications as well? Crafty guys and gals on Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest have been bursting with alternative wall paper ideas over the past few months. There are simply too many to share them all, but I want to show you five of the absolute BEST ones we have seen.
Number 1: Wallpaper a Dresser
We found this gem of an idea on Pinterest and fell in love instantly! The charming use of several wallpaper patterns in similar shades really makes this pretty piece pop with unique country style. One of the best parts of this project is that it would be really easy for just about anyone to do!
Number 2: Add Flair to a Closet
You know that boring place you hang your clothes? The owners of this home sure don’t! This closet is pretty enough to show-off with an interior made of designer wallpaper. This classy closet is proof there are inexpensive ways anyone can use to get luxurious results, even in a small space.
Number 3: Wallpaper Ornaments
Creating ornaments from wallpaper is a fantastic way to get rid of leftover wallpaper from other projects, but we warn you… it gets addictive! Seen everywhere from Etsy to Pinterest these ornaments are unique and beautiful pieces you can use all year long. Wall paper wooden hearts for valentines, reindeer for Christmas, and even pretty pumpkins for Halloween.
Number 4: Craft Beautiful Boxes
There are endless possibilities for things you can do with old shoe boxes or unfinished wood boxes, and wallpaper can make them look absolutely stunning. Create jewelry boxes, a place for old photos, gift containers, bookshelf storage, or anything else you can think of. This is a fairly simple craft that even younger children can help out with, making it an ideal project for families.
Number 5: Framed Wallpaper Panels
There are some of us who love the gorgeous eye-catching depth of wallpaper, but actually undertaking the task of installing it might be more than just a little scary! Fear not good people because we have an answer you just might fall in love with… framed wallpaper! You can have the wallpaper you love without sacrificing your sanity in an inexpensive way. Simply find a large photo frame (or set of frames as pictured) and apply your favorite wallpaper or mural… then hang it up!
So that’s it! Now you know some creative gorgeous ways to use vintage and modern wallpaper in your home. To browse for wallpaper ideas for your home just visit us at WallpaperWholesaler.com and click on the “Wallpaper & Borders” tab. You can search by color, keyword, pattern number, or book name.
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